You are not a cookie-cutter bride. You should not have cookie-cutter invitations.
How We Work
My program works a little differently than most wedding stationery companies. I think it’s quite frightening that they expect you to pick paper and ink colors with a disclaimer something along the lines of, “All monitors are different, therefore what you receive might not be the exact color you are seeing.” Why shouldn’t it be the exact color you think you are ordering? The question then becomes, how I do guarantee you will receive exactly what you expect.
A late summer wedding
Time for another summer wedding, this time for my niece Allison. This design is called “The Conner,” as they were both very much involved in selecting the artwork. I usually name wedding invitation packages after the bride’s last name, and that will be her married...
A Summer Wedding
My newest design is called the "The LeFavor" and was designed for my niece, Michelle. The design concept started with her favorite flower peonies, and it began with the save the date postcard. Michelle loved the watercolor artwork selected for her and wanted it used...